Copyright 2007 by William A. Mays, Proprietor
June 16, 1883
   On May 24, the POLICE GAZETTE had a house warming in its new and stately building. In honor of the event, and as a tribute to the enterprise of Mr. Richard K. Fox, the great East River Bridge was formally opened. For the purpose of giving the President of the United States an opportunity to get a good view of the POLICE GAZETTE building in all its magnificence, Mr. Wm. C. Kingsley, of the East River Bridge Board of Trustees, invited His Excellency to pass over the structure, which runs under our windows. Ten thousand similar invitations were issued to prominent citizens known to be admirers of the POLICE GAZETTE.
   Early on the morning of May 24 the doors of the POLICE GAZETTE building were thrown open. The long line of visitors which had formed on the night previous, so anxious were they to obtain admission, passed through the entrance in one continuous stream for hours. The rooms of the fashion editress, sporting editor, religious editor, and editor-in-chief were quickly filled. The religious editor's room was set apart exclusively for clergymen. They were entertained, and any one who does not believe this need-but to read the annexed statement of liquids and solids consumed in but one room:
   4 chicken sandwiches.
   180 bottles Blue Grass whiskey.
   2 lobster salads.
   4 baskets champagne.
   1 barrel lager beer.
   2 doz. bottles Old Tom gin.
   The visiting clergymen were not hungry, but somewhat thirsty. Considering that they were clergymen they behaved quite well. Most of the religious editor's visitors wore handsome badges, bearing various inscriptions, of which the following are specimens:
   "The Beacon Light of Civilization--the POLICE GAZETTE."
   "The POLICE GAZETTE first--Our Country next."
   "The Widow's Joy and the Poor Man's Friend--the POLICE GAZETTE."
   "Three names which will never die--George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and the Religious Editor."
   The religious editor's collection of sporting actresses' portraits attracted considerable attention. The visitors gazed in mute admiration at Maude Granger and their eyes bulged as they studied the beauties of Langtry as Rosalind. It was a big day, and the religious editor's head--well you guess the rest.
Note: In this article the "great East River Bridge" refers to the Brooklyn Bridge, which opened to the public in spring of 1883. The Police Gazette building stood adjacent to the bridge's Manhattan landing.
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